Labour & Industrial Laws

Labour & Industrial Laws Services

Labour and industrial laws services provided by us encompass a range of activities aimed at ensuring compliance with labour regulations, promoting healthy workplace practices, and facilitating harmonious employer-employee relationships.

These services are crucial for businesses to operate within the legal framework and maintain a conducive work environment.

Labour and Industrial Laws services provided by us:

Legal Compliance

We help businesses adhere to a multitude of labour laws, including the Industrial Disputes Act, Employees’ Provident Fund Act, Employees’ State Insurance Act, and more. We ensure that companies are aware of their obligations and follow required procedures.

Employment Contracts and Agreements

We assist in drafting employment contracts, appointment letters, and agreements that outline terms and conditions of employment, rights, responsibilities, and benefits for employees.

Wage and Salary Structuring

We provide guidance on wage structuring, minimum wage compliance, overtime pay, and other monetary benefits to ensure fair compensation to employees.

Employee Benefits and Welfare

We help design and implement employee benefit programs, such as provident fund, gratuity, health insurance, and other welfare initiatives in compliance with applicable laws.

Labour Audit and Due Diligence

We conduct labour audits to assess compliance with labour laws and regulations. They assist in due diligence processes during mergers, acquisitions, or investments.

Workplace Health and Safety

We advise on occupational health and safety regulations, ensuring that businesses create a safe working environment and comply with relevant laws.

Industrial Dispute Resolution

We facilitate resolution of industrial disputes, grievances, and conflicts through negotiation, mediation, and conciliation processes.

Trade Union Matters

We provide guidance on interactions with trade unions, negotiations, collective bargaining, and compliance with trade union laws.

Labour Welfare Committees

We assist in setting up and managing labour welfare committees as mandated by law, fostering better communication between management and employees.

Employment Termination and Retrenchment

We guide businesses through legal procedures for employee termination, retrenchment, and layoff, ensuring compliance with termination laws.

Employee Code of Conduct

We help develop and implement codes of conduct and ethics for employees, promoting a culture of professionalism and responsible behavior.

Compliance Reporting

We ensure timely filing of various labour-related returns, forms, and reports to regulatory authorities.