Secretarial Audit and Due Diligence

Secretarial Audit and Due Diligence Services

Secretarial audit and due diligence services provided by us are essential components of ensuring legal compliance, risk mitigation, and good corporate governance for businesses.

These services involve thorough examinations of a company’s records, documents, and practices to assess its compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and internal policies.


Secretarial Audit

Secretarial audit is 1st time mandated in U/S. 204 of the Companies Act, 2013, it is a systematic review of a company’s compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. We conduct secretarial audits to verify that the company’s processes, practices, and governance structures are in accordance with the relevant laws. The main objectives of a secretarial audit include:

Compliance Verification

We review various aspects such as company law compliances, board meetings, general meetings, filing of statutory forms, shareholding patterns, etc., to ensure that the company adheres to legal and regulatory requirements.

Identification of Non-Compliance

The audit helps identify any areas of non-compliance, allowing the company to take corrective measures and avoid potential penalties or legal issues.

Risk Mitigation

By identifying and addressing non-compliance issues, secretarial audits help mitigate legal and operational risks for the company.

Enhanced Corporate Governance

Secretarial audits contribute to strengthening corporate governance practices, transparency, and accountability within the organization.

Stakeholder Confidence

Companies that undergo regular secretarial audits demonstrate their commitment to legal compliance and build trust with stakeholders.


Due Diligence

Due diligence is a comprehensive investigation and analysis of a company’s operations, financial position, legal standing, and potential risks in the context of mergers, acquisitions, investments, or other significant transactions. We conduct due diligence to provide a clear picture of the company’s assets, liabilities, and overall health. The main objectives of due diligence include:

Risk Assessment

We assess the legal and regulatory risks associated with a transaction, helping parties make informed decisions and mitigate potential liabilities.

Legal Compliance

Due diligence ensures that the target company complies with relevant laws, regulations, and contractual obligations, reducing the risk of post-transaction legal disputes.

Transparency and Disclosure

The process involves a thorough review of contracts, agreements, financial records, intellectual property, and other relevant documents, promoting transparency and accurate disclosure.

Negotiation and Valuation

The findings from due diligence impact negotiation strategies, transaction valuation, and the final terms of the deal.

Informed Decision-Making

Through due diligence, parties involved gain a comprehensive understanding of the target company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, enabling well-informed decisions.